African Bloodstone, with its deep green coloration interspersed with flecks of red, is a crystal of profound metaphysical significance, resonating with the energies of vitality, strength, and purification. Aligned with the Root and Heart chakras, African Bloodstone grounds the wearer to the Earth, providing stability and security while promoting courage and resilience. Its purifying energy cleanses the energetic field and promotes emotional healing, aiding in the release of past traumas and negative patterns. African Bloodstone also enhances vitality and physical endurance, promoting overall well-being and vitality. Additionally, it stimulates the heart's energy, fostering compassion, and self-love. As a stone of strength and purification, African Bloodstone guides individuals on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, helping them to embrace their inner strength and live life with courage, passion, and vitality.
*Includes One braceletÂ